- Hacienda San Augustin Atzumpa
- Hagan, Flossie Whipple
- Hall, Dick Wick
- Hall, Sharlot
- Hampe, Mathilde
- Hance, John
- Hancock, James C.
- Hancock Family
- Hand, George
- Hands, Edward
- Handy, John C.
- Handy, John Charles
- Hankin, Harriet
- Hanny, Vic
- Harber, Dr. J. N. and Mary
- Harbine, Sarah
- Hardgrave, Glenn & Lo Osa Ranch
- Hart, Kirk L.
- Hart, Samuel
- Haskett, Bret
- Hastings, Katherine Bagg
- Hathaway, James Howard
- Hathaway, Mary Lucille
- Hattich, William
- Hawley, Fred
- Haworth, Mary
- Hayden, Carl
- Hayden Construction & Excavation Company
- Hayes, Alden
- Hayes, Ben
- Hayes, Jess G.
- Hazeltine, Sherman
- Hazelton, Drusilla
- Hazzard, Seth
- Head, Wade
- Heap, Gwinn
- Heath, Herman
- Hefter, Joseph
- Heger, Joseph
- Heney Family
- Henning, Lloyd C.
- Henry, George J.
- Hereford, Francis
- Herndon, Elsie P.
- Herndon, James P.
- Herner, Harlan
- Herner, Harlan R.
- Herrera, Rachel
- Herrick, Emma B.
- Heyer, Robert W. Sr.
- Heywood, Neal
- Hidalgo, Ruby F.
- Hill, Edwin
- Hill, Rose
- Hillary, Frank
- Hilles, Henry
- Hines, Charles
- Hirsch, Sarah
- Historical League
- Hitch, Bertram
- Hochderffer, George
- Hochderffer, George
- Hodges, Ann E.
- Hodgman, William
- Hoff Family
- Hoffman, Velma Rudd
- Holliday, W. J.
- Holme, John
- Holsclaw, Douglas S.
- Homebuilders of Central Arizona
- Homebuilders Brochures
- Hopely, Joseph
- Hopkins, R. C.
- Horton, Willis
- Hotel Adams Construction
- Howard, Guy
- Howard, H.O.
- Hughes Family
- Hughes, David
- Hughes, Fred G.
- Hughes, James
- Hughes, Samuel
- Hughes, Thomas
- Hughston, Mary
- Huidobro, Manuel de
- Hummel, Don
- Hummel, Don Papers
- Huntington, Daniel
- Huntsman Family
- Hutchins, Gordon
- Hutchinson, Charles C.
- H Y L Ranch